The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) strived hard to build the Muslim nation, SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah) he (peace be upon him) has succeeded in his struggle to convey the message. 'Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for God, the Cherisher of the Worlds' [Qur'an 6:162]. Don't be a Muslim that has been crippled by the gaps in your knowledge in Islam. Be a part of this beautiful Ummah. Work together and help each other so that we can truly lead a life on the Straight Path.

'I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One, without any partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and His messenger'

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


No one is perfect and we are humans and so we make mistakes. Only Allah (swa) is Perfect and Allah (azawajal) has created the world in a perfect manner. When striving for perfection as humans, we are only able to focus on a small part of perfection.

Allah (swa) has taught us excellence in everything we try to achieve, such as excellence in faith, belief, conductance and manner which are all examples of our beloved prophet Muhammad (saws). Perfection alone is for Allah (swa) and no one can gain this.

Even Adam (as) was created with perfection had faults and thus shayitan was able to manipulate Adam and Eve (as) to make mistakes. But our Perfect Lord is All-Forgiving and All-Merciful as long as we can sincerely repent.

Our job as Muslims is to strive for excellence rather than perfection.

We must achieve excellence in our faith and Islam is our goal to attain salvation.

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