The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) strived hard to build the Muslim nation, SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah) he (peace be upon him) has succeeded in his struggle to convey the message. 'Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for God, the Cherisher of the Worlds' [Qur'an 6:162]. Don't be a Muslim that has been crippled by the gaps in your knowledge in Islam. Be a part of this beautiful Ummah. Work together and help each other so that we can truly lead a life on the Straight Path.

'I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One, without any partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and His messenger'

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Your Potential

The Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) contains talent, possibilities, motivatation, relentless, determination, awakened people and people ready to work for the cause of Allah azawajal (waiting for inspiration).
The Ummah needs to aim high and this means every single one of us needs to aim for our full potential.

 Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA) said, "May Allah have mercy on one Who knows his own value and did not go beyond the limits."

1) Set yourself realistic goals and insha'Allah you will achieve them. Allah azawajal has mercy on a person who knows the greatness of their potential and the extent of their ability. Allah azawajal allows them to reach their aim, goal and potential.

2) Motivate oneself and ask Allah azawajal to become a giant in the Ummah. There is always a few problems that are preventing us from achieveing. But if we know the problem then we can overcome that obstacle.

All individuals have fanatastic ideas but people rely on others to take the burden of the Ummah. So make the change and take the lead, yes it will be difficult on yourself but this will bring you closer to Allah azawajal inshaAllah. Another problem seen is that the Muslim Ummah lack role models. Yes, there are amazing role models out there e.g. Muhammad Al-Shareef. But, why dont you make a change and become the role model. Be the person that the next generation of young muslims look up too and inspire to be like. Another problem that we might face, is that we do not take action after we are motivated .


1) Make Dua to Allah azawajal
Make tremendous dua's whenever possible as it is our weapon as a believer.
- Ya' Allah make me a benefit to this Ummah
- Ya' Allah make me a giant in this Ummah
- Ya' Allah make me the highest achiever in my exams
- Ya' Allah you know my weaknesses, so help me overcome my weaknesses
- Ya' Allah make my speech beautiful
- Ya' Allah give me people to help
- Ya' Allah make me an Imam
- Ya' Allah make me someone who this Ummah can look up too
- Ya' Allah make me a Hafiz, an Alim, a Huja for the deen (someone who helps the people in need).

2) Fill your heart with the Love for this Ummah
- Ya' Allah, if Muslims in the West are destroyed you will worship you,
- Ya' Allah, if there were no more Muslims in England, then who will worship you
- Ya' Allah strengthen this Ummah so we can worship you

3) Take on a Coach
This person will help you unlock your potential. The Prophet SAWS has Jibreel (AS) to teach him/ The Companions (RA) has the Prophet (SAWS) to teach them.

4) Keep Company with Righteous People
These people will help you in your emaan and they will encourage you to aim high enough, that is why it is essential to have a good circle of friends. You can study hard together, help on another and remember that Allah azawajal wants you to do well and the Ummah is waiting for you.

It si important to be thankful to Allah azawajal for the knowledge and that you must continue to be the best. Change yourself to become a better person and closer to Allah azawajal so that Allah's victory comes to you.

There is two aspects that you must consider:
i. KNOWLEDGE (the divine answer)
ii. ACTION (acting upon the knowledge, practical, achieveable and realistic goals for the Ummah)

Broadbase where all the different groups so you must be able to call out to average people do not specify. improve the ummah in four different areas:
i. Education and training of Ummah
ii. Enough youth and family service
iii. Services in the government

Imagine this question was asked t you...''What would you like to be the leader of in the Islamic state lead by a khalifah?'
Insha'Allah, I hope this inspires you to go forward and achieve your potential what ever it may be.
JazakAllah khayr for reading

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