The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) strived hard to build the Muslim nation, SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah) he (peace be upon him) has succeeded in his struggle to convey the message. 'Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for God, the Cherisher of the Worlds' [Qur'an 6:162]. Don't be a Muslim that has been crippled by the gaps in your knowledge in Islam. Be a part of this beautiful Ummah. Work together and help each other so that we can truly lead a life on the Straight Path.

'I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One, without any partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and His messenger'

Monday, 13 June 2011

Time to turn back

(ULU isoc lecture by Rashid)
There is always the fear of falling into the same sin. the key to success is to continue crying for your past sins and keeping in good company. the reason for good company is becuase you will be resurrected with your friends and you reflect your friends, therefore you have the same bad characteristics of your friend e.g. backbiting etc.

We don't know whether our repentance is accepted. To avoid actions which will displease Allah azawajal, we Muslims begin with 'Bismillah' (In the Name of Allah), thus your intention is begun with goodness.


Christmas sales, were shopping is retail therapy-'out with the old and in with the new'.
Our therapy is to ask Allah azawajal to renew our emaan, renew our faith and renew our connections with Allah e.g. read a verse of Qur'an everyday.

When you are checking your relationship with others, check your relationship with Allah azawajal.
Start taking account of everything you do and say. For example, you say you love Allah azawajal and the Prophet SAWS, but do you really love them like the Shaabah (Companions of Prophet SAWS)?


This is done by TAWBA (repentance). For example, a companion looked at dried wood and started crying, his other companions asked 'Ehy are you crying?'. He replied, 'I was thinking about how the fire started with dry pieces of wood and small peices of wood and then I remembered the fire of hell'.

Assume the wood is heart, the dry heart is good for the fire (the fire of hell). On the otherhand, the moist heart, is the heart that is ready to turn back to Allah azawajal and his promise.
this heart is scaredto commit the same sin again. Those who have Taqwa (fear of Allah azawajal) are only worthy of help from Allah azawajal.

TAWBA is turning back to Allah after sin, purification of the heart and the sin that the soul commits is wiped away. We must always suplicateto Allah azawajal with repentance, otherwise death will come and we cannot turn back.

The youth can be thrown into the fire for commiting sins when young or for wasting time and energy whenAllah azawajal gave those precious tools. Allah (SWA) is more pleased with those who turn back to Him (SWA) more than a person finding something precious that was once lost.

If you didn't commit a sin and then turned back to Allah azawajal for repentance then Allah (SWA) would replace us but WE MUST REPENT.
Allah is waiting for you to repent, so use Allah's names and Allah azawajal willchange your bad deeds into good deeds. Allah is the Most Merciful, Most Just and Oft-forgiving.

We sin day in and day out. so repent, wipe out the heart with bad deeds and replace it with good deeds. For example, seek forgiveness for your speech with your parents, backbiting etc. Allah azawajal has overflowing Mercy, so do not delay your repentance, feel remorse and raise your hands to Allah azawajal (remember how death is a destroyer of pleasures). May Allah azawajal forgive us for wasting time as we wonder. People are losing their lives every minute, so go forth and seek Allah azawajal and repent. Make better use of your time and ask Allah (SWA) to help you and make your intentions sincere and remind yourself about death.There are so many young people inflicted with diseases and clamities, yet Allah azawajal kept you well so repent. FOR EVERY MOMENT CAN BE LOST.


[1] Keep the Shaadah (testimony of faith) at the end of your tongue
[2] Seek refuge of evil deeds and actions
[3] Know that Allah azawajal is watching over you and nothing will remain hidden
[4]Fear Allah azawajal and cover your sins and that of others
[5] Rely on Allah azawajal and have hope in Allah's Mercy
[6] Take account of your book/deeds before you go to sleep. (make sure you sleep on time and get up on time.
[7] Repent more than 70times a day and seek the Shade of Allah's Throne
[8] Fear of dying before making Tawba
[9] remorse over good deeds which was missed due to disobedience to Allah
[10] Work hard in re-ganing what has been lost
[11] Pray and supplicate to Allah (SWA) to become a contributer to the Ummah.


i. stop the sin
ii. try not to commit the sin again
iii. regret the sin and repent
iv. return anyone's right that has been taken.


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