The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) strived hard to build the Muslim nation, SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah) he (peace be upon him) has succeeded in his struggle to convey the message. 'Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for God, the Cherisher of the Worlds' [Qur'an 6:162]. Don't be a Muslim that has been crippled by the gaps in your knowledge in Islam. Be a part of this beautiful Ummah. Work together and help each other so that we can truly lead a life on the Straight Path.

'I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One, without any partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and His messenger'

Monday, 12 November 2012

Asmaa-ul-husna (The 99 Names of Allah)

This blog will go through the 99 Names of Allah which is the utmost important for all Muslims to learn and really reflect so that we can increase our emaan and become more attached to our Creator. The will be no particular order to the Names described and in shaa Allah all the sources will be placed at the end. If there are any mistakes, is it from myself and any goodness or benefit is from Allah azawajal alone.

Al-Fattah الفتاح (The Opener):

This Name of Allah azawajal can be seen in the Qur’an:
‘Say, “Our Lord will bring us together; then He will judge between us in truth. And He is the Knowing Judge.’ [34: 26]
From this verse ending shows that the translation of the word means Judge but the Name is referred to as The Opener, The Revealers and The Granter of Success. The Arabic word in itself means to open something that was closed.
‘...Our Lord comprehends all things in His Knowledge. In Allâh (Alone) we put our trust. Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in truth, for You are the Best of those who give judgment’ [7:89]
The root word involving fa-ta-ha can apply to more means which are:
To open
To explain
To grant
To disclose
To let out
To give victory
To conquer
To judge
To decide
To ask assistance/judgement/decision from
To seek succour/victory

In what language can you find translation and meaning that can all be applied which makes sense? The beauty of the language of the Qur’an alone is Allah’s miracles. All these translations can be applied and we can understand Allah azawajal more than ever.
We can learn that truly Allah can only grant us the success of the hereafter and this life. We can understand that Allah can conquer everything as Allah is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. It is through Allah we can attain the Keys we need to every problem.

Who better can we rely on than Allah?
Who better is a better ally than Allah? To help us judge every matter in our lives? To help us make the right decisions and to give us assistance in everything endeavour?
It is truly none other than Allah azawajal

The means gives us the ability to grow closer to Allah azawajal:
1) Through gaining knowledge, wisdom and help guide our tongue
2) Through Allah’s mercy and forgiveness
3) Though seeking Allah during out distress and in happiness
4) To turn to Allah with love and devotion

Personally, I have been in many situations where I have felt that all avenues of something I want have been closed. I suppose you have heard ‘If God closes a door, He opens a window’. But, SubhanAllah I have found that when a door has been closed to us, then Allah azawajal, the Might, the Powerful opens the roof and gives you something that is much greater and better than we can even imagine. There are times that you don’t see the open roof or you don’t get what you want, but know that this could be the opening to Jannat-al-firdous for us. In shaa Allah, where would you rather have the reward?
Practical applications
i.                     Open your heart of Allah azawajal and ask Allah to open your heart so that you may be steadfast on the straight path.
ii.                    When you find yourself in difficulty or in ease ask Allah azawajal to open a way out of every situation
iii.                  It’s important, now more than ever to learning and understand the Qur’an as well as increasing in dhikr. A means of dhikr is to learn the names of Allah.
Apply the names of Allah, call Allah by them and when reciting the names to really reflect the extensive nature and power of Allah azawajal.
There is much more to this name of Allah azawajal so keep researching, keep seeking and learn cradle to the grave. Aim to become beloved to Allah azawajal because it is Him azawajal that we shall return to.


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