Al-Qabid القابض (The Restrainer, The Constrictor)
Name of Allah azawajal can be seen in the Qur’an:
‘Who is the
one who would give Allah a good loan so that Allah multiplies it for him many
times? Allah withholds and extends, and to Him
you are to be returned. ’ [2:245]
is specifically translated here as Allah ‘witholding’. Looking into the tafseer
of the Ayah, the first part of the loan mentions a metaphor. For example, when
you spend for the sake of Allah azawajal. But you know that everything belongs
to Allah azawajal. The fact that you give in Allah’s cause can mean that what
you have given can increase or can decrease. But you must know that Allah
azawajal can give you the ultimate prize of Jannat-al-firdous.
root word involving Qaf-Ba-Daad can apply to more means which are:
To take with hand by actual touch/feel
To close
To grasp
To clutch
To seize
To contract/draw/collect together
To take possession
To contract the heart
This can be in reference to birds to contract their
wings and take quick flight. There is also reference to life and death, light
and darkness and abundance of rain which Allah provides to the earth.
In what language can you find translation and
meaning that can all be applied which makes sense? The beauty of the language
of the Qur’an alone is Allah’s miracles. All these translations can be applied
and we can understand Allah azawajal more than ever.
Who better can give other than Allah?
Who better is a reply on giving and withholding
when you’re in need of it more other than Allah?
It is truly none other than Allah azawajal
I know personally people are going through things in their live.
broken heart. Allah holds your heart in His azawajal Hands. If
you leave Him in your heart then anything in the world can be taken from you
but your heart can never be broken again. Your belongs to Allah my beloved
Ukhti and with Allah watching over it, I am sure that Allah will make your
heart whole again.
the hardships at once. My dear Ukhti, you may be going through so
much at once right this minute but know that Allah will never put so much strain
in your heart that you cannot bear. Trust in Allah, for Allah is always mending
our hearts and healing our hearts through the constrictions. Allah has the
ability to protect you from falling into the traps of the dunya. Allah provides
you confidence that His azawajal Mercy is greater so don’t despair for Allah
controls everything. Wouldn’t you want the Best of Planners to oversee all your
affairs? So seek Al-Qabid
wanted this one thing in this dunya. My dear
beloved uhkti, Allah is Al-Qabid and He azawajal has truely withheld but the
reason may be to protect you, the reason could be something better come along
or it can mean your path into Jannat al fridous for your patience and diligence
on the path of Allah azawajal. If you continue down this road, Allah azawajal
will direct you to where you are supposed to be and what He azawajal has
planned for you. So don’t give up, keep seeking and try all things. Because
Allah is the Ever-Watchful and guiding you this very minute for your success in
this world and hereafter. Be content with Allah’s decision and you shall have
the richest heart in the world that has Allah as the only occupant of your
Practical applications
a. Give to charity for Allah provides you means and
b. This name can be extended to Allah is protecting
you from withholding something from you that may be wrong so seek Allah’s
protection so trust in Allah azawajal
Become a
person who helps others to unconstraint their hearts. Remind them of Allah
azawajal and show that Allah is already providing for them and that there is
always a reward from having something withheld from them and for feeling the
constriction in the heart.
There is much more to this name of
Allah azawajal so keep researching, keep seeking and learn cradle to the grave.
Aim to become beloved to Allah azawajal because it is Him azawajal that we
shall return to.
(image created by Art Malik, app can be downloaded)
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